mardi 29 décembre 2009

One little word

Once again, I am following Ali Edwards' lead and jumping onboard her latest project. This one is a little tradition of choosing a single word to focus on over the course of the year.

I had been brainstorming about this for a few days already when I realised that the one thing on my mind lately was GRATITUDE. I've been thinking about this quite a lot as I was trying to decide which format I would choose for my Weekly Gratitude project + I was trying to decide on the 6 new habits to create and thought that starting with listing 1 thing I am thankful for each day would be great to change the way I am seeing my life and the world in general at the moment.

So why make things more complicated than they need to be? Why search for something different when Gratitude is what I want to focus on in the future? Let's tackle this bad habit (seeing what's wrong first) from as many different angles as possible!

I am now thinking about a way to have this one little word in front of my eyes as often as possible. I might order a custom-made piece of jewelry like those made by Lisa Leonard or I might write the word and frame it or I might create a monogram letter... or maybe do all three!

1 commentaire:

  1. Que voilà un excellent choix !
    Je dois avouer que ce nouveau blog me plait énormément et je me demande même si je ne vais pas te suivre sur ce terrain. J'aime beaucoup aussi le côté bilingue qui permet d'exprimer ses sentiments de façon différente.
    Merci de le partager avec moi. Gros bisous de Londres sous la pluie.
