mercredi 30 décembre 2009

Daily gratitude

The first new habit that I want to create this year (as part of the 6 Changes project) is to write down one thing I am grateful for each day. Anything: a big thing, a small thing, a frivolous thing, a life-changing thing... I will try very hard not to censure or judge myself. And whether this one thing is specific to that day or not is not relevant at this point.

This new habit should fit nicely into the Weekly Gratitude project. Will I incorporate all 7 daily grateful thoughts in my weekly project or will I only use (the most significant) one? This is not something I have to decide right now. I'll probably play it by ear and follow my inspiration for the first few weeks, then see what works best for me!

Below is how I am planning to create my new habit, as advised by Leo Babauta on the 6 Changes website. Starting with baby steps is very important but this means that I will only actually write down something I am grateful for in week 3. I am however planning to start my Weekly Gratitude straight away, keeping it very simple at first: probably just one word (more if I'm really inspired) and maybe a photo.

Drinking my morning cup of coffee

8 steps:
-week1: grab notebook & pen and place it next to my mug
-week2: grab notebook & pen + think positive thoughts
-week3: grab + think + write 1 word that come to mind
-week4: grab + think + write a small sentence
-week5: grab + think + write a longer sentence
-week6: grab + think + write + log unto computer
-week7: grab + think + write + copy it into new blog post draft
-week8: grab + think + write + copy + publish blog post

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